Rare Map Collection - American Civil War
- Panorama of the Mississippi Valley and its fortifications (C. Magnus 1864) [165kb]
- The historical war map.(Hudson Taylor 1862) [210kb]
- Plan of the area between the Chickahominy and James rivers in Virginia (n.a. 1862) [121kb]
- Johnson's map of the vicinity of Richmond, and Peninsula Campaign (Johnson 1862) [248bkb]
- U.S. Coast Survey. Savannah to Ossabaw Sound. (Bache 1863) [89kb]
- Southern Mississippi and Alabama (Zimmerly 1863) [141kb]
- Charleston Harbor and its approaches (n.a. 1863) [76kb]
- Perrine's new topographical war map (Perrine 1863) [289kb]
- New map of Charleston Harbor, showing the scene of the great naval combat between the iron clad Monitor and the rebel batteries.(J. Mayer 1863) [193kb]
- The battlefield at Chickamauga. (Fergus 1863) [468kb]
- Atlanta. From Vincent's subdivision map...
(Army of the Cumberland 1864) [176kb]
- General Sherman's campaign war map. (Bufford 1864) [290kb]
- Part of Northern Georgia. (Merrill 1864) [227kb]
- Map illustrating the operations of Gen.W.T. Sherman, in Georgia.(Poe/ J. Bien 1864) [200kb]
- Map illustrating the siege of Atlanta.(Poe 1864) [232kb]
- Map of Richmond, Virginia and surrounding country showing rebel fortifications. (Sholl 1864) [133kb]
- Map showing the operations of the national forces under the command of Maj. Gen. W.T. Sherman.(n.a. 1864) [256kb]
- Historical and military map of the border and southern states. (Phelps & Watson 1866) [467kb]
- Gettysburg Battlefield from original surveys. (Palmer 1916) [207kb]
- Gettysburg Battlefield from original surveys. (Palmer 1916) [219kb]
- Chickamauga Battlefield. (n.a. 1895) [306kb]
- Map of battles on Bull Run near Manassas (Bamberger 1861) [367kb]
- Map of the country between Richmond and Petersburg (Gilmer 1864) [377kb]
- Map of the seat of war in Virginia (Duncan 1862) [217kb]
- Map of the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia (Holle 1861) [182kb]
- The only correct and reliable map of the battle of Bethel. (Lewis 1861) [174kb]
- Map of the battle ground of Greenbrier River. (McRae 1861?) [204K]
- Sketch of the country occupied by the Federal & Confederate armies on the 18th and 21st of July 1861 (Mitchell 1861) [216kb]
- Map of northern Georgia and Tennessee (Paterson 1863) [300kb]
- Seat of war. Manassas and vicinity. (Baumgarten 1861) [156kb]
- Topographical sketch of the battle of Bethel, June 10th 1861 (n.a. 1861) [174kb]
Last update: 2/12/96
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