Overdue Charges [and Unforeseen Circumstances]

Overdue Charges

  • Laptops: $20 per day
  • Cameras: $20 per day
  • Computer Accessories: $5 per day
  • Audiovisual Accessories: $5 per day

Fee Payment

Please call 706-542-3256 during Main Library Circulation Desk open hours to pay fines.



Students assume risk when they borrow technology and should treat equipment with care. Borrowers are liable for replacement cost if equipment, components, or accessories are lost. Report lost or misplaced equipment ASAP via our contact form to maximize chances of recovering items.

Do not leave items at unattended service desk. Doing so will result in a $50 mishandling charge.


Some damage is inevitable over time due to wear and tear. Please report physical damage, technical malfunction, and/or missing components ASAP. Borrowers will be held financially responsible for damage requiring repairs in an amount to be determined by Tech Lending staff.


Borrowers in emergency situations, including those related to COVID-19, should contact the MLC to avoid charges or loss of access. Please call 706-542-4673 or contact us online.