Add Your Works

Menu bar on screen where you add items to your orcid profile





There are several ways to add your works to your ORCID profile:


Synchronize your Elements publications to your ORCID works

If you have maintained your publications in your UGA Elements profile, then you can authorize Elements to write those publications as Works in your ORCID profile. Instructions are available in the Elements support site.


Link your works from another system

Some ORCID member organizations - such as MLA, Pubmed Central, Scopus, and Digital Science Dimensions - have built search and link tools that allow you to import information about publications and other works into your ORCID record from their databases. The linking process can begin on the ORCID site, or at the organization's website.

See Add works by direct import from other systems, from ORCID.


Import a BibTeX file of your works 

ORCID has a tool that allows you to import your research works from a BibTeX (.bib) file into your ORCID record. BibTeX is a platform-independent, plain-text format used for bibliographic citations. BibTeX files can be created and edited using many popular reference management tools, such as Google Scholar Citations, EndNote, Papers, etc.

See Import and export works via BibTeX, from ORCID.

See the University of Iowa's guide on Importing from Google Scholar.


Manually add information about your works

To add a work yourself, click Add works, then +Add manually, and a box will appear where you can manually enter a work citation.

See Add works manually, from ORCID. has guides to each of these methods in the Works and Peer Review section of their Knowledge Base.