Group Study Room Policy
Group Study Room Policy
Group and individual use
- The 94 group study rooms in the MLC are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The main purpose of these rooms is for group study, therefore groups have priority over solo occupants.
- A group is considered to be 2 or more people.
- An individual user must relinquish the room to a group immediately upon request. This includes individuals waiting on the rest of their group to arrive.
- Students in groups may ask a solo student in a group study room to leave. They may also request MLC Security to ask the solo student to vacate.
- Unattended belongings do not “hold” the room. See "Unattended Belongings" below.
2nd Floor Group Priority Rooms
- Rooms on the 2nd floor of the MLC are for group use only. Single occupancy is not allowed during the hours of 7 a.m. through 2 a.m., and MLC Security will ask solo studiers to vacate these rooms.
- The following noise zones apply to the group study rooms as well as the open areas
- Floor 2 – conversational and collaborative (noisiest)
- Floor 3 (except Reading Room) – collaborative and focused (some noise)
- Reading Room (3rd floor) – quiet concentration (quietest)
- Floor 4 – quiet concentration (quietest)
- Sometimes people do not realize their volume. A polite word from you, if you are comfortable doing that, will usually remedy the issue.
- The MLC staff do not monitor noise unless a group is raucous. However, if you ask us to speak to a group about being disruptive relative to the acceptable noise levels, we will.
- If an individual or group is repeatedly loud, they may be asked by MLC staff to move to a different area.
Be nice to the rooms.
- If you move additional seating into a room to accommodate your group, please return it.
- Please leave the room clean and nice for the next group
Be nice to each other.
- Individuals, please promptly relinquish study rooms to groups when asked.
- Groups, check to see if there might be other open rooms available, particularly during slower times (early mornings, dinner-time, and weekends).
- If you encounter problems, the Security Desk can assist you.
- Students are required by UGA policy to present ID to any UGA staff person upon request. This includes MLC Security.
Unattended belongings
- Belongings that are left unattended in a room cannot reserve a space and may be removed to the 2nd floor Security & Information Desk if a room is needed for a waiting group.
- Please remember that unattended belongings are a security risk and that the safety of your property is your responsibility.
- If your items are missing, please check at the Lost and Found at the 2nd floor Security Desk. Your abandoned items might have been removed by staff or turned in by another student. It is also possible that they have been stolen, but we hope not! Please see our lost and found policy.