The façade of the Richard B. Russell Building.

General Information
The Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies welcomes and appreciates financial contributions to support our ongoing mission! Please see the information below to learn some of the many ways you can give to the Russell Library.
Outright donations made by check or debit/credit card are the easiest to make. These donations are also tax deductible in the year they are given. You may choose to designate your gift in honor or in memory of someone special.
To make a gift by debit or credit card, please visit our secure giving page. Contribution checks should be made payable to the UGA Foundation with a note in the memo line indicating that the funds be directed to the Russell Library Support Fund, Russell Library Oral History Program Fund, or another Russell Library fund.
Russell Library Endowments
Endowments provide critically needed funds to develop and sustain the Russell Library, its programs and mission. New endowments begin at $25,000. The Russell Library invites donors to make a single gift or build an endowed fund over time.
Donors may also contribute to an existing Russell Library endowment, such as the Lamartine G. Hardman III Outreach Endowment Fund or the Richard B. Russell Library Programming Endowment Fund.
Planned Gifts
Planned gifts are designed to provide donors with significant flexibility. Planned gifts include simple bequests as well as sophisticated estate plans that may offer financial advantages for the donors. To learn more about planned gifts at UGA, click here.
Gifts of Materials
The Russell Library welcomes and appreciates gifts of materials such as manuscripts, personal journals, historical artifacts, photographs, artwork, and audiovisual and born-digital materials. These donations enhance the Russell Library’s holdings and support its ongoing mission. PLEASE NOTE: The Russell Library cannot appraise gifts-in-kind donations. The UGA Libraries Development Office can provide a list of qualified appraisers. Contact Libraries Development officer Leandra Nessel at lnessel@uga.edu or 706-542-3879.
Tax Deductions and Non-Cash Charitable Contributions
The Russell Library is unable to provide appraisals, tax advice, or interpretation of existing or future tax laws. For specific questions regarding charitable donations, donors should consult the IRS or an accountant. The IRS Publications 526 (Charitable Contributions) and 561 (Determining the Value of Donated Property) may help answer questions donors may have about regulations governing non-cash charitable contributions. The UGA Libraries Development Office can provide a list of qualified appraisers for gifts-in-kind.