Exterior of the Richard B. Russell Building, Special Collections Libraries.
- What is the Russell Library?
The Richard B. Russell Library is a political archives and center for the research and study of modern Georgia politics and public policy. It currently maintains approximately 500 manuscript collections and 1000 oral history interviews. It is one of three special collections libraries at the University of Georgia along with the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library and the Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody Awards Collection.
- Where is the Russell Library located?
The Russell Library is located in the Richard B. Russell Building, Special Collections Libraries at 300 South Hull Street on the western edge of the University of Georgia Campus in Athens, Georgia.
- What are the Russell Library’s hours of operation?
The Russell Library reading room is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. The Russell Library galleries are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Library is closed for holidays observed by the University of Georgia, and the galleries are closed on UGA Football home games.
- Do I have to be a University of Georgia student or faculty member to conduct research at the Russell Library?
The Russell Library is open to the public. Researchers must complete the Russell Library’s registration form, provide appropriate identification, and follow all policies and procedures. Visitors need not register to view gallery exhibits or attend most Russell Library programs.
- Do I have to make an appointment to visit the Russell Library?
An appointment is not necessary to visit the Russell Library, but Russell staff encourages researchers to email or call ahead of an anticipated visit. Researchers may register for a research account in advance.
- May I eat or drink in the Russell Library?
Food and drink are prohibited in the exhibit galleries and reading room.
- Where can I park?
Parking for off-campus visitors is available for an hourly fee in the Hull Street deck. Library visitors from off-campus can bypass the pay machine on the 3rd level and proceed directly to the front desk in the Russell Building lobby and sign in with their vehicle tag number. This will validate the vehicle in the deck for the rest of that day. For more information about visitor parking regulations please visit the Parking Services website.
- Is the Russell Library accessible to persons with disabilities?
The Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies is committed to providing access and accommodation for persons with disabilities upon request. The building is wheelchair accessible, and the Russell Library’s gallery and exhibits are designed and fabricated to comply with Americans with Disabilities (ADA) regulations. All audio-visual components are close-captioned. The Russell Library reading room will also provide accommodations upon request for researchers with special needs. Please contact Jill Severn at jsevern@uga.edu or 706-542-5766 to arrange your visit to the Russell Library.
- How do I submit a reference question?
Please email reference questions to russlib@uga.edu.
- Will Russell Library staff do research for me?
The Russell Library is unable to perform in-depth research for offsite researchers. Staff can provide a list of proxy researchers who are willing to research for a fee. The Russell Library is unable to endorse any proxy researcher or guarantee their work.
- What may I bring with me into the Russell Library Reading Room?
Researchers may bring paper, pencils, cameras and laptop computers in the research room. Pencils and paper are also provided for use. Pens and flat scanners are prohibited. All materials taken into the reading room are subject to inspection upon departure. Researchers may bring cell phones into the reading room to make digital copies of materials for research. Use of cell phones must not disturb other researchers.
- What if I did not finish my research by the end of the day?
If you are not finished with research by the time the Russell Library closes for the day, please alert the staff member on duty. If you plan to return within a week, staff will not re-shelve the material.
- The book I want is checked out from the Main Library, but GIL says that a copy is located in the Russell Library. Can I check it out?
No. Russell Library books do not circulate and cannot be checked out. Researchers may consult a book in the Russell collections by signing into the reading room and requesting the book.
- May I take pictures of research materials in the Russell Library reading room?
Yes. Researchers may photograph research materials after signing the Russell Library Digital Reproductions Use Agreement. Please see a Russell Library staff member to read and sign this form before taking photographs.
- What should I do if I cannot visit when the Russell Library is open?
Russell Library staff makes every effort to accommodate researchers’ needs. Please email russlib@uga.edu to discuss your schedule.
- Are there computers, scanners, copiers and printers available for public use?
A computer is located in the Russell Library reading room for research use. Printers and copiers are for staff use only.
- Will you provide photocopies?
Russell staff will scan documents and/or photographs for a fee if they can do so without injuring the material, violating copyright restrictions, and/or violating donor agreements. If offsite, please request a scan of materials by emailing russlib@uga.edu. If onsite, please request a scan of materials by speaking to the staff member on duty in the reading room. Please note that permission to scan is not permission to publish. If staff cannot complete the requests within the specified time, staff will email the researcher.
- How do I cite Russell Library materials?
The Russell Library provides specific citations for material used during research. Citation guidelines for Russell Library materials including oral histories, audiovisual materials, and photographs are available here. The preferred citation for each collection is also listed in the collection’s online finding aid.
- May I use photographs from the Russell Library in my project or for publication?
Researchers are solely responsible for the use of any material secured from the Russell Library as well as any possible copyright infringement. Researchers must obtain permissions from the holder of the physical property as well as the copyright holder before publishing from materials located in the Russell Library.
- Do you have any restrictions on the amount of material I may request copied?
Entire manuscripts, publications, oral histories will not be scanned. Audiovisual materials, in any format, will not be copied.
- May I schedule a class in the Russell Library?
The Russell Library maintains an active instructional program and archivists will be happy to arrange archives instruction classes. For more information, contact Jill Severn at jsevern@uga.edu or 706-542-5766.
- I'm interested in donating materials to the Russell Library. Whom should I contact?
The Russell Library welcomes donations related to Georgia’s modern political history and public policy that complement its collections development policy. For more information regarding donations, please contact Sheryl Vogt at sbvogt@uga.edu or 706-542-0619.
- I have an old book (or baseball card, manuscript, painting, cartoon, antique object, miniature book, etc.). Can you tell me how much it is worth?
Russell Library staff are prohibited from appraising items donated to the Russell Library.