The Russell Library’s instructional team promotes student success by collaborating with and supporting course instructors to develop archives-centered encounters ranging from single sessions to semester-long projects. The Russell team also creates online subject and course guides that facilitate primary-source-based research. To request a library instruction session, please complete a request form or contact Jill Severn at or 706-542-5766. Please allow at least 10 days advance notice to avoid scheduling conflicts.
Russell Library Archives-Centered Instructional Collaborations:
Develop class sessions using Russell Library collections
Design course-specific, active-learning sessions to strengthen critical thinking skills using carefully curated selections of materials that can help deepen students’ understanding of subjects, time periods, and document formats.
Guide students in searching and discovering materials within the Russell Library’s holdings by using online databases and search strategies.
Provide archives-centered instruction to University of Georgia faculty through the Special Collections Libraries Faculty Fellows Program.