Flag Collection
In 1905, Georgia Governor Joseph Terrell announced that the U.S. War Department had returned twenty-six Civil War flags to Georgia and requested state funds to preserve the collection. In 1916, the General Assembly mandated that the flags from the Civil War and Spanish American War "be preserved for all time in the Capitol of the State." The law required the governor to accept "any such flag....offered to the State" and "to make such provision for its preservation as may be necessary...." Thus began the Georgia Capitol flag collection. For over one hundred years, the flag collection has grown to include flags from every major military conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries, from the early Georgia militia to the Civil War, the Spanish American War, World Wars I and II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The collection also includes many non-military flags collected as part of the history of Georgia and the Capitol. While several flags in the Georgia Capitol flag collection are on loan, many have been donated from other states, organizations, or private citizens. In 1964, Governor Matthew Welsh of Indiana returned two Georgia Confederate battle flags to Governor Ernest Vandiver, declaring: "We are joined indivisibly into one great nation leading the peoples of the world toward the peace with freedom and dignity for which mankind so fervently prays."
After ninety years of constant display in the Georgia Capitol, however, the fragile flags began to show serious wear and deterioration. Beginning in the early 1990s, the Museum began to conserve many of the flags in the collection. The process included removing past harmful treatments applied to the flags along with encapsulating the flags to protect them for another century. The flags were removed from permanent display and placed in a climate-controlled storage facility with a limited number of flags placed on temporary display in the Hall of Valor, located on the first floor of the Capitol. A bronze plaque, which hangs on the wall outside of the exhibit, honors donors who have contributed to the care and preservation of the state's historical collection.
Browse the Flag Collection in the Georgia Archives Virtual Vault.
Viewing of specific flags must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. Contact: Georgia Capitol Museum, Karin Johnston Dalton at kjohnsto@uga.edu
Campaign Materials Collection
While many of the founding fathers disdained political campaigning, it did not take long before campaigns including speeches, slogans, and songs became an important part of the American experience. Georgia was no exception, and throughout its history, many memorable campaigns have been run, won, and lost. This collection highlights the material produced during some of these campaigns from the ubiquitous buttons and bumper stickers to unique items such as a bag of "government" pork rinds.
Browse the Campaign Materials Collection in the Georgia Archives Virtual Vault.
Military Artifact Collection
Georgians have participated in every American conflict from the Revolutionary War to present-day conflicts. The artifacts in this collection, from the mundane (canteens) to the ceremonial (medals) to the terrifying (gas masks) illustrate all facets of military life.
Browse the Military Artifact Collection (Capitol Museum Collection) in the Georgia Archives Virtual Vault.