Borrowers must be currently enrolled for credit at the University of Georgia. Faculty and staff who are not students should investigate the equipment available for loan from the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL).

Borrowers agree to return equipment during open service hours prior to the due date and time established at check out. Do not leave items at an unattended desk. Doing so will result in a $50 mishandling charge. Loans will be automatically extended in case of emergency or unforeseen UGA campus or MLC building closure.

Student borrowers agree to contact the Miller Learning Center in the following situations:

  • Equipment is damaged, lost, or stolen.
  • They cannot honor return equipment on time due to emergency, including COVID isolation or quarantine.

Borrowers understand that egregious or repeated failure to honor the terms of use will be penalized. A police report will be filed for lost or stolen technology.

Renewals are not guaranteed.

Items returned past due may result in probation or inability to check out Tech Lending items.

Borrowers cannot install software on laptops.

Laptops are reset upon shutdown and restart. Tech Lending is not responsible for lost or missing files.

The MLC Technology Lending Program is funded through Student Technology Fees and supported by EITS and UGA Libraries. It is a shared resource for all students at UGA.