General Library News

Gore to Serve as Associate University Librarian at UGA

Submitted by Camie on

Emily B. Gore, a leader in the field of digital librarianship, has been named associate university librarian of the University of Georgia Libraries. Gore will lead digital collections, data management, scholarly communication, and other initiatives to enhance the research, instruction, and service missions of the Libraries, beginning May 23.Photo of Emily Gore, a middle aged woman with blonde hair 

Spring into Research Workshop Series to Guide Students on Research Tools

Submitted by Camie on

Need help with your research? Librarians and research experts at the University of Georgia are hosting the virtual Spring into Research series to provide students with the tools they need to research, write papers and dissertations, and present their projects.

Students can sign up for any or all of the 12 individual workshops offered Monday, March 21 through Friday March, 25 via Zoom. 

Introducing the UGA Access button

Submitted by Chandler Christoffel on

If you have used databases through UGA Libraries recently, including Multi-Search, you may have noticed something different. 

In several databases, we now have a UGA Access button. This button can connect you to full-text or print versions of articles, books, or other resources, when available. If no resource is available, you can also use the button to request a PDF or a physical copy from another library. Libraries calls this kind of button a link resolver. But jargon aside, think of it as a second option to check in case full-text is not directly provided by a database. 

UGA Libraries to Enhance Access to Archives on Local Urban Renewal Projects

Submitted by Camie on

from UGA Today

Two new projects at the University of Georgia will enhance access, both online and in-person, to students, researchers, and members of the community to learn more about the history of urban renewal and housing policy in Athens and across Georgia.

The policy of urban renewal in the United States, which lasted from 1954 to 1974, provided federal funding to municipalities to use eminent domain to acquire property for public redevelopment projects, in some cases displacing residents. Years after funding for urban renewal ended in 1974, federally authorized urban redevelopment projects continued to take place across the country and the state of Georgia.

Archivists Help High School Students Discover History in their Hometown

Submitted by Camie on

When Jennifer Tesler started teaching her students about the Harlem Renaissance, she couldn’t help but notice the similarities between the New York borough known for its cultural and political history and their own eclectic, diverse hometown of Athens. In fact, the Georgia city has ties to influential writer and scholar W.E.B. Dubois and several of the Harlem Renaissance musicians, who performed at the Morton Theatre.

UGA Science Library Named for Pioneering Student

Submitted by Camie on

Update as of 12/7/21: 

University System of Georgia Board of Regents has approved the naming of the UGA Science Library for the Shirley Mathis McBay, the first African American to earn a doctorate from UGA.

At the Libraries, we are excited and honored for our facility to be chosen for this recognition. The legacy of Dr. McBay will live on through the STEM students we serve at the Shirley Mathis McBay Science Library.

From UGA Today: