Main Library

Main and Science Libraries - Closed on Saturday, October 6

Submitted by MaryP on

The Main and Science Libraries will close on Saturday, October 6 for the Homecoming football game - Georgia vs. Vanderbilt. The Libraries will resume their regular semester hours on Sunday, October 7.

The regular Fall Semester hours for the Main and Science Libraries are:

  • Monday thru Thursday - 7:30am to 2am
  • Friday - 7:30am to 9pm
  • Saturday - 10am to 7pm
  • Sunday - 1pm to 2am

Break Hours - Main and Science Libraries

Submitted by MaryP on

The Main and Science Libraries will be open with reduced hours from August 1 thru August 12. The break hours for the Main and Science Libraries are:

Wednesday, August 1 thru Friday, August 3 - 8am to 6pm

Saturday, August 4 - 10am to 6pm

Sunday, August 5 - The Libraries are closed

Monday, August 6 thru Friday August 10 - 8am to 6pm

Saturday, August 11 - 10am to 6pm

Sunday, August 12 - 1pm to 9pm

The Main and Science Libraries will begin regular Fall Semester hours on Monday, August 13.

Virtual Reality Demos Continue for Spring at Main Library

Submitted by amywatts on

Continuing a program we began in the fall, we're doing more pop-up demos of our HTC Vive virtual reality system. Any UGA students, faculty, or staff are welcome to drop by and try out the programs we're featuring. We'll be set up outside the cafe on the first floor of the Main Library. 

Dates of future demos:

Thursday, February 22

Monday, March 5

Tuesday, March 20

Wednesday, April 4

Thursday, April 19

UGA Main and Science Libraries - MLK Holiday Hours

Submitted by MaryP on

The Main and Science Libraries’ hours for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday are:

  • Sunday, January 14                 1:00pm until 9:00pm
  • Monday, January 15                 CLOSED

The Libraries' regular spring semester hours resume on Tuesday, January 16. Regular semester hours for the Main and Science Libraries are: