Food, Drink & Tobacco Policy for the UGA Libraries

This policy is an effort to make the Libraries inviting and comfortable places for study and research while preserving library materials, protecting equipment and furnishings, and preventing disruption to others’ use of the facilities. We ask your cooperation in complying with the following:

Food & Drink

  • Main Library -In most areas drink containers with lids and snack foods but not meals are permitted. The following areas have different permissions:
    • 1st floor lounge – no restrictions
    • 4th floor study space – no restrictions
    • Map and Government Information Library (sub-basement level) – Drink containers with lids and snack foods but not meals are permitted.
    • 3rd floor reading room – all food and drink is prohibited
  • Science Library - In most areas drink containers with lids and snack foods but not meals are permitted. 
    • 2nd floor Makerspace  - all food and drink is prohibited
  • Special Collections Libraries Building – Food and drink is permitted only in 2nd floor event spaces
  • Miller Learning Center – No restrictions on food and drink

Examples of acceptable foods include: packaged or vending machine items - crackers, granola bars, chips, etc.  
Examples of prohibited foods include: food delivery, hot meals, salad, pizza, etc.  Foods that create excessive mess, noise or smell pose a potential risk to collections, equipment and furnishings or could be disruptive to other researchers.

In accordance with University of Georgia regulations, alcohol is not permitted in any Libraries facility.
Allowing food and drinks in our facilities requires the cooperation of our users to maintain a neat and clean environment.  Food and drink residue attracts pests that can damage library materials and equipment. Most library materials are expensive to repair or replace; some are unique and irreplaceable. You can assist us by leaving your study area clean for the next person.

  • Trash and recyclables should be placed in appropriate containers
  • Wipe up crumbs and small spills
  • Accidents happen. Please report spills and bring damaged library material to a Libraries employee.


Smoking and tobacco use (including e-cigarettes/personal vaporizers) is prohibited on the entire campus.  For more information visit UGA’s Smoking Policy website or the USG Tobacco and smoke-free campus policy.

Patrons in violation of these policies will be required to dispose of their food, drink or tobacco items or to leave the Libraries.

We appreciate your cooperation.

SOURCE: Department Heads Group, March 2015