Science Library

UGA Libraries FACTS. Fair

At UGA Libraries, we’ve got FACTS, and we don’t just mean the information that you can access through our books, online journals, databases, and other resources. Learn how to navigate the services that can strengthen your academic journey and meet the librarians and staff who can teach you to perfect your research skills.

Create a topographic model to 3D Print from a two-dimensional digitized map

In this 90-minute project-based workshop, learn to locate a topographic dataset for an area of interest from the USGS’s National Map 3DEP Lidar Explorer. You will learn to import, define, and create an image of your desired landscape and how to export and create a 3D model from that image file. After, we'll export that model to the makerspace’s 3D printers to bring your once, two-dimensional topographical image into envy-creating three-dimensional 3”x3”x3” desk candy.

Fall into Research: Research Journeys Using ChatGPT

ChatGPT is like a compulsive liar; sometimes it simply has to lie to satisfy its directive. In the academic realm this can result in ChatGPT entirely inventing imaginary publications out of whole cloth, disguising them with impeccably formatted citations. From college undergrads to courtroom lawyers, this tendency of AI to invent citations has already landed many users in hot water.

UGA Libraries FACTS. Academic Fair

At UGA Libraries, we’ve got FACTS, and we don’t just mean the information that you can access through our books, online journals, databases, and other resources. Learn how to navigate the services that can put you on track for academic success — from our study spaces to the technology that enables you to take your projects to the next level — and meet the librarians and staff who can teach you to perfect your research skills.