Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Spotlight x Spotlight Ecologies // Sea Sound Seen: Peter Van Zandt Lane, Dana Montlack, and Felicia Zamora

Join us for aqueous work from an award-winning poet and distinguished composer. Peter Van Zandt Lane will give a presentation on his current composition project, Thresholds, a work for orchestra and electronics that incorporates data sonification from the Georgia Coastal Ecologies Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site and is supported by a grant from the Georgia Sea Grant Artists Program.

Humanities Pedagogy and AI in German and American Classrooms

ChatGPT made its début less than a year ago: how are humanists responding to the bot? Join Dr. Julia Burkhardt, Professor of Medieval History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and a participant in the UGA-LMU Faculty Research Exchange Program, in exploring this question with a group of UGA faculty who have been thinking deeply about artificial intelligence and education: Elizabeth Davis (English), Jeremy Davis (Philosophy), Katie Ireland (Libraries and Digital Humanities), Kevin Jones (History), and Montgomery Wolf (History). 

IWS Virtual Film Screening for Women's History Month: "Feed the Green - Feminist Voices for the Earth"

FEED THE GREEN: FEMINIST VOICES FOR THE EARTH challenges the cultural imagination surrounding the destruction of the environment and its impact on femicide and genocide. This informative documentary, by Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies professor and scholar Jane Caputi, highlights an active global resistance movement and an alternative imagery communicating resistant green consciousness.

IWS Virtual Film Screening for Women's History Month: "A Normal Girl"

Activist Pidgeon Pagonis was born intersex, not conforming to standard definitions of male or female, and experienced genital mutilation as a child. Now Pidgeon is fighting the medical establishment, seeking to end medically unnecessary surgeries and human rights abuses on intersex people in the United States and around the world. An estimated 1.5% of the population is born with intersex traits. While most of these babies are healthy, their bodies are treated as a medical emergency.

IWS Virtual Film Screening for Women's History Month: "Nothing Without Us - The Women Who Will End AIDS"

NOTHING WITHOUT US tells the inspiring story of the vital role that women have played - and continue to play - in the global fight against HIV/AIDS. Combining archival footage and interviews with female activists, scientists and scholars in the US and Africa, Nothing Without Us reveals how women not only shaped grassroots groups like ACT-UP in the U.S., but have also played an essential part in HIV prevention and treatment access throughout sub-Saharan Africa.