University of Georgia Libraries

Designing a Research Poster

A good research poster isn't a research article on a 4​'x3' piece of paper. Learn design tips and tools to make your poster look professional and how to communicate through graphic elements such as maps, charts, and tables. No artistic skill or knowledge of specialized software required!

Introduction to RefWorks

Learn how to use RefWorks, an incredibly helpful citation management software for researchers and writers provided by the UGA Libraries. RefWorks allows you to save citations from databases, organize them, attach PDFs, and then format and insert the citations into Word or Google Documents in one of 15,000 different citation styles.

Introduction to EndNote

Class includes installation instructions, downloading records from databases into your own Endnote library, and using it to format your citations in Word. There will be time for questions and answers. Recommended that you load the program on your computer ahead of time if you wish to follow along. Click here to download for free from the library website. New users requiring set up assistance can contact the speaker at in advance

Create a Simple Map with Latitude/Longitude Data Using QGIS

Need to create a map of locations for your poster, paper, or project and all you have are latitude and longitude for each point? This workshop will help you to turn your data into a simple map. No experience necessary. Want to follow along? Download and install the Long Term Release (LTR) version of QGIS before the workshop. Download the example Lat/Long Data