University of Georgia Libraries

Mary Frances Early Virtual Book Launch: “The Quiet Trailblazer: My Journey as the First Black Graduate of the University of Georgia”

Join Mary Frances Early, as she discusses her new autobiography about her journey as the first Black graduate of UGA. In this livestream event, Early will participate in a book discussion with UGA Women’s Basketball Coach Joni Taylor. Registration information can be found here:

Making the Most of the UGA Libraries for Faculty & Staff

The UGA Libraries are here to help you meet your research and teaching goals. Join us for an online session to learn about faculty services, our print and digital collections, how to request items for purchase, advanced technology spaces, and citation management tools to improve your productivity. We will also discuss ways to support your students through research skills instruction, archives-based learning, and affordable learning resources.

Making the Most of the UGA Libraries for Faculty & Staff (Fall 2021)

The UGA Libraries are here to help you meet your research and teaching goals. Join us for an online session to learn about faculty services, our print and digital collections, how to request items for purchase, advanced technology spaces, and citation management tools to improve your productivity. We will also discuss ways to support your students through research skills instruction, archives-based learning, and affordable learning resources.


Government Documents and Legislative Research Databases

There is a sea of federal government information out there:  research reports, legislation, regulations, data sets, and so much more!  The UGA Libraries has access to databases which make finding this information easier.  The webinar will focus on searching for government information from Congress (laws, bills, reports, hearings, etc.), as well as Regulatory information from the Executive Branch. 


This brief introduction will focus on features that are unique to PsycINFO, such as the Thesaurus, classification codes, and the methodology limit. There will be time for questions and answers. Submit questions ahead of time to the speaker at

EndNote for Macs (Fall 2021)

This will be an introduction to EndNote highlighting special Mac concerns (OS and M1 chips, etc.) as well as popular functions such as: importing references, exporting references, syncing, and inserting citations into Word. There will be time for questions and answers. If you wish to follow along on your computer, it's recommended that you load the program ahead of time. New users requiring set up assistance can contact the speaker at Session will be recorded.

Create a Map with QGIS

In this workshop we will turn latitude/longitude data into a map suitable for papers, posters, or presentations. Please install QGIS (Long term release 3.16 stand alone installer) before the workshop if you would like to create a map as we go.