Science Library

Break Hours - Main and Science Libraries

Submitted by MaryP on

The Main and Science Libraries will be open with reduced hours from August 1 thru August 12. The break hours for the Main and Science Libraries are:

Wednesday, August 1 thru Friday, August 3 - 8am to 6pm

Saturday, August 4 - 10am to 6pm

Sunday, August 5 - The Libraries are closed

Monday, August 6 thru Friday August 10 - 8am to 6pm

Saturday, August 11 - 10am to 6pm

Sunday, August 12 - 1pm to 9pm

The Main and Science Libraries will begin regular Fall Semester hours on Monday, August 13.

UGA Main and Science Libraries - MLK Holiday Hours

Submitted by MaryP on

The Main and Science Libraries’ hours for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday are:

  • Sunday, January 14                 1:00pm until 9:00pm
  • Monday, January 15                 CLOSED

The Libraries' regular spring semester hours resume on Tuesday, January 16. Regular semester hours for the Main and Science Libraries are:

Spring Semester Course Reserves Guarantee Date

Submitted by MaryP on

The guarantee date for Spring Semester course reserves requests is December 11, 2017.  Requests submitted by this date are guaranteed to be available on the first day of class for the Spring Semester. Requests can be submitted at any time. Course reserves requests for the Spring Semester that are received after December 11, 2017 will be processed as quickly as possible, but we cannot guarantee the availability of the material by the start of classes. Course reserves materials may be available as print reserves or e-reserves.