
Poetry Open Mic

The Creative Writing Program will host a "Poetry Open Mic" in front of the Main Library. Everyone is invited to share a poem during this event. The mic will be staffed by Creative Writing students.

Cinema Politique: India's Daughter

Cinema Politique, a program which aims to introduce and discuss international and national political developments on the basis of documentaries and movies, continues with India's Daughter.

The life and death of Jyoti Singh, an Indian medical student whose violation and murder by gang rapists exposed the violent misogyny of Indian society.

A discussion will be led by Laura Zimmermann, departments of economics and international affairs.

"Made in L.A.": Women's History Month Movie

MADE IN L.A. follows the remarkable journey of three Latina immigrants working in L.A.'s garment factories and their long battle to bring a major clothing retailer to the negotiating table. (via

Equality Under the Law: History of the Equal Rights Amendment, an exhibit on the history of the Equal Rights Amendment will be on display in the galleries of the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jan. 19-May 12. 

"Maggie Growls": Women's History Month Movie

MAGGIE GROWLS is a documentary film portrait by Barbara Attie and Janet Goldwater of the amazing, canny, lusty, charming and unstoppable Maggie Kuhn (1905-1995), who founded the Gray Panthers in 1970 after being forced to retire from a job she loved. Her outrage and determination fueled a political chain reaction that forever changed the lives of older Americans, repealing mandatory retirement laws and proving that "old" is not a dirty word.