Supporting University of Georgia students, faculty, facilities, and programs since 1974.
The Richard B. Russell Foundation, Inc. is a private, non-profit corporation that provides financial support for the collection and preservation of research and educational materials documenting modern Georgia’s political and public policy history as well as financial support to students and teachers at the University of Georgia.
Since its inception, the Russell Foundation has contributed over $8 million to fund nearly 200 scholarships and fellowships, 92 teaching awards, 2 professorships, a premiere research library, and other educational and leadership programs.
The Russell Foundation preserves the legacy of the United States Senator Richard Brevard Russell, Jr. and the contributions he made to the welfare of the state and nation during his fifty-year public service career.

Richard B. Russell, Jr. circa 1947
The Russell Foundation provided financial support for a Georgia Commitment Scholarship. This scholarship provides four years of tuition for a student from rural Georgia.
Dr. Reginald McKnight, a professor in the Franklin College of Arts & Sciences’ English Department, has served as the inaugural holder of the Hamilton E. Holmes Professorship since 2002.
This annual, cohort-based program helps first and second year UGA students develop leadership skills, interact with campus and community leaders, and learn more about the social issues facing the campus, community, state, nation, and world.
The Russell Foundation awards annual scholarships to four active members of UGA’s Georgia Debate Union.
The Russell Foundation established the Richard B. Russell Distinguished Law Fellowship in 2017. This fellowship provides three years of tuition for a UGA Law student.
The Russell Foundation established the Richard B. Russell Distinguished Professor of Public Policy in 2005.
Upon the Russell Library’s relocation to the Richard B. Russell Building in 2012, the Russell Foundation contributed $1 million to the Library to supplement the planning, preparing, and conducting of programming.
The Russell Foundation sponsors the annual Richard B. Russell Moot Court Competition.
Since 1971, the Russell Foundation has contributed more than $1 million to fund a professorship in American history at the University of Georgia.
The Russell Foundation contributes annually to the UGA Center for International Trade and Security’s Security Leadership Program.
Since the early 1990s, the Russell Foundation has awarded two scholarships to UGA Blue Key National Honor Society members who have demonstrated leadership ability and potential.
The Russell Foundation established three teaching awards in 1992 to recognize excellent undergraduate instruction by early career faculty members.
The Russell Library's Oral History Program enjoys a national reputation as a leader in audio and video interviewing, digital preservation and access, and community engagement. It is Georgia's premier oral history program.
1961 Club is a special group of donors, named for the year of desegregation at the University of Georgia, who share a passion for ensuring undergraduate student success by working to eliminate financial obstacles to obtaining a quality education at UGA.
Emergency Support Funds are available to assist currently enrolled UGA students by providing financial support when they need assistance with unexpected, unforeseen, and unavoidable emergency expenses.
The Washington Semester Program gives students the ability to intern full-time at an organization of their choice while still earning a full semester’s worth of credit hours.