Writing support & Math tutoring at the McBay Science Library
Writing support
The McBay Science Library hosts the Writing Center on the main floor in room 201. The Writing Center is open to any UGA undergraduate, graduate student, staff, or faculty member who needs help with the writing process.
The Writing Center will open August 19th and appointments may be made beginning August 16th through UGA's Penji app. Fall hours until December 3rd are:
Monday: 11am-2pm
Tuesday: 11am-5pm
Wednesday: 11am-5pm
Thursday: 12pm-4pm
Friday: 12pm-3pm
Appointments may also be made via uga.mywconline.com
Writing Resources
- Other Office for Student Success and Achievement (OSSA) tutoring locations and services.
- Other UGA Writing Center locations and services.
Math tutoring
The UGA Math Department is currently hosting in person (drop-in) tutoring every week, Monday - Wednesday from 3-7pm and on Thursdays from 5-7pm in room 382 of the McBay Science Library. For more information, visit www.math.uga.edu/study-hall-and-tutoring-0