Materials & Services
Services available to library patrons with disabilities include assistance with:
- Locating and retrieving library materials
- Borrowing of materials through an emissary
- Scanning and photocopying materials
- Looking for accessible digital versions of library materials
Retrieving Library Materials
Patrons with disabilities who would like help retrieving materials can submit requests in four different ways:
- In person: Bring a list of items to be pulled to the Service Desk at any library
- Online: While in the GIL-Find library catalog looking at an item record, click the “Sign-in for More Options” link. After signing in, click the “Request” link. Next, choose your preferred pick-up location. You can choose between various campus libraries as your pick-up location, including the Main Library, McBay Science Library, Art Library, Music Library, Curriculum Materials Library, or other options. Then click the REQUEST button. Library staff will retrieve your book and hold it for you at the circulation desk of the library that you selected as your pick-up location.
- By telephone: call the User Services Department at the Main Library (706-542-3256) or the McBay Science Library (706-542-4535)
- By e-mail: contact the Main Library at or McBay Science Library at
Please provide call numbers for all items with your retrieval request. For help with identifying call numbers, ask at any service point, or call 706-542-3251, or use our Ask A Question services.
If time and staffing allow, library staff may be able to retrieve a few items immediately. Generally, available items will be retrieved within two hours. However, additional time will be necessary to retrieve an extensive list of titles. More time may be required for retrieval during evenings and weekends because fewer staff are available.
After the items have been retrieved, they will be held for 10 days for pickup by the user or their emissary at the relevant circulation desk. You will be notified by email when requested items are available at the pick-up location.
Emissary Borrowing
Library users with disabilities can authorize another person to check out materials in their name by completing an Emissary Agreement Form. The user, not the emissary, is responsible for all items checked out on their account. You can ask for the form at the Service desk at the Main or McBay Science Libraries, or you can access a PDF version of the form online. After completing and signing this form, please return it to the UGA Main Library:
In Person: Circulation Office / Main Library
Fax: 706-583-8300
Mail: User Services Department / Main Library / University of Georgia / Athens GA 30602
The person acting as an emissary must come to the Circulation Office of the Main Library to be issued a library card. The Emissary Agreement Form must be completed and received by the library in order for a card to be issued. This form will not be accepted if it is not completely filled out. If any information is missing or incorrect, the form will be destroyed and a blank form will be issued. These rules are for the protection of the authorizing patron requesting this service.
Scanning and Photocopying
Library users with disabilities who need assistance with photocopying or with scanning to create accessible electronic versions of library materials may receive photocopying and scanning services at no charge.
To request scanning or photocopying of materials, please contact Eric Griffith, the Disabilities Services Coordinator for the Libraries, at At times when Eric is not available, such as nights or weekends, please ask staff at the Service Desk for assistance, and they may be able to provide a limited amount of scanning or photocopying on-demand. For larger requests, Eric will process the requests as soon as feasible during regular business hours.
Accessible Alternative Formats
Library materials in print format such as book chapters and journal articles can be converted to accessible digital formats by request. If you would like to request conversion of materials or encounter problems accessing electronic resources, please contact Eric Griffith, the Disabilities Services Coordinator for the Libraries, at
Many of the Libraries materials already exist in accessible electronic versions. You can check to see if there is an existing electronic copy of the material you need by searching the following resources:
Our e-book platforms from EBSCO, ProQuest, and Springer support the use of screen readers that read text aloud to users. Examples of compatible screen readers include JAWS, NVDA, and Voiceover. You can use screen readers if you are reading e-books in your browser online or if you download them to your computer.
In addition to materials and resources owned by the University of Georgia Libraries, eligible patrons with print disabilities can receive special access to in-copyright materials through HathiTrust Digital Library. The UGA Libraries is a HathiTrust partner institution. Eric Griffith, the Disabilities Services Coordinator for the Libraries, is the Libraries Proxy for HathiTrust. If you would like to inquire about access to digital copies of library books through HathiTrust, contact Eric at
Special formats including audio, large-print, or Braille versions of books may be available through Interlibrary Loan.