Previous Events
Digital Humanities + Research Software Engineering: Workshop for Graduate Students
Join data science and humanities computing experts David Beavan (Principal Research Software Engineer, Turing Institute) and Kaspar Beelen (Ph.D., Turing Institute, University of London) for a workshop on research software engineering in digital humanities. A brief overview will be provided followed by a hands-on workshop focused on how to use (large) language models for interrogating historical newspaper collections.
An Evening of Poetry with Coleman Barks
The internationally renowned poet Coleman Barks, a longtime Ath
Free The Tapes: Athens Potluck Edition
Free the Tapes, an event highlighting digitized audiovisual materials from members of the community, is back this fall at UGA Special Collections!
Celebrating Jack Davis with Mack Williams
Join the Lamar Dodd School of Art and the UGA Special Collections Libraries for the annual Jack Davis Lecture on Thursday, November 7 at 6:00PM in the auditorium (Room 271) of the UGA Special Collections Building. This year's lecture will feature animator and director Mack Williams, a UGA alum and 2024 Bulldog 100 recipient. A light reception and pop-up exhibition of highlights drawn from the Hargrett Library's Jack Davis Collection will follow the lecture.
Monster Mash
Do you want to get in the Halloween spirit? Join the UGA Libraries for our Monster Mash event on October 28th from 1 to 4 PM at the Main Library. There will be a pumpkin painting contest, button making, tricks, treats, and more!
Lets have a graveyard smash and do the monster mash!
Open Access Week Lightning Talks: Library Collections as Data
This series of lightning talks will highlight different collections as data in diverse a
Book and Bake Sale
LSA is host a Book and Bake sale in order to raise money for LSA activities and to fund a charitable organization.