Previous Events

Feb 13
Data Visualization Roundtable Discussion

Join several graduate students and Ph.D. candidates from different disciplines at UGA to hear about how they use data visualization techniques and tools across diverse applications and goals! This roundtable will also allow participants the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about resources through RCDM and the UGA Libraries for data visualization and more.

2:00 pm
, Room 300
Feb 13
How to Make Data FAIR

In celebration of International Love Data Week,  Research and Computational Data Management (RCDM) in the UGA Libraries, the University of Liverpool Libraries, and Ludwig Maximillian University Libraries and ITG (Munich, Germany) are hosting a special zoom event on FAIR principles applied to research data (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reproducible). This event will explain how researchers can incorporate these principles with research data management, to ensure long-term benefits to their work and their communities.

9:00 am
Feb 13
Book Discussion with Michael Thurmond: James Oglethorpe, Father of Georgia

Join the University of Georgia Press in partnership with the Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries and the University of Georgia Department of History for a book discussion with chief executive officer of DeKalb County Michael L. Thurmond. Thurmond will discuss his book James Oglethorpe, Father of Georgia: A Founder’s Journey from Slave Trader to Abolitionist. James Brooks, the Carl and Sally Gable Distinguished Professor of History, will provide an introduction. A light reception will follow the discussion.

6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries , 271
Feb 12
Zine Making 101: Goal Setting & Vision Boarding

 It’s time to get crafty Dawgs! In this new series we’ll teach you how to create zines of all types. This month we’ll focus on creating zines that can help with setting goal and visions for the future.  Hope you join us for some pro-craft-ination!

3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Zell B. Miller Learning Center , MLC North Tower
Feb 12
Love and Laser Makerspace workshop

Join the UGA Libraries Makerspace in a Love and Laser workshop this Valentine season! Whether it's for your friends, your partner, or yourself, you can laser cut your choice of keychains or magnets with the help of our laser cutting enthusiast, Banibe Ebegbodi! This drop-in event is Wednesday, February 12th from 2PM-3PM at the UGA Libraries Makerspace, located in room 381 of the McBay Science Library. Hope to see you there! 

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Science Library , Makerspace, room 381
Feb 12
Research Clinic for Undergrads

1:00 pm
Science Library
Feb 12
Open Practices for Text Analytics

In celebration of International Love Data Week, Research and Computational Data Management (RCDM) in the UGA Libraries, the University of Liverpool Libraries, and Ludwig Maximillian University Libraries and ITG (Munich, Germany) are hosting a special Zoom event on text analytics. Experts from UGA and LMU will lead discussions on specific projects and techniques in open practices for text analytics, including StudiDH, Newscrape, R, Python, and more!

9:00 am
Feb 12
Open Research and ORCID

This hybrid event explores the benefits of Open Access (OA) publishing to make scholarly works freely accessible to the public and the importance of using persistent identifiers like ORCID to enhance research visibility and attribution. The session also discusses how RCDM and the UGA Libraries more broadly can support researchers in adopting these practices to foster transparency and collaboration in academia.

2:00 pm
Main Library , Room 300
Feb 11
Healthy Research Habits

Join UGA librarians to learn about tools, resources, and study tips that can help you on your research journey!

  • Identify common barriers like procrastination and develop strategies to overcome them
  • Discover tools to help you make a plan and keep your research organized
  • Learn how to evaluate sources and use them responsibly
  • Get familiar with UGA resources to support your research
11:00 am
Science Library
Feb 11
Whose GIS Data is this anyway?

In celebration of International Love Data Week, join expert librarian Meagan Duever for a workshop on all things GIS data. This session will also cover considerations related to open research practices and example use-cases. 

2:00 pm
, Room 300Online