Previous Events
Family Day: Sustainable Fashion
Join the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library for an afternoon of family fun and activities highlighting the new exhibit "From Farms to Fast Fashion: Unraveling the Need for Sustainable Style." Activities include weaving on a cardboard loom, hand stitching, and learning how to remove stains from fabric. There will be a scavenger hunt, snacks, and a sewist from Community demonstrating on a sewing machine.
Online Office Hours
Need research help? Want to talk with a librarian? Drop-in to our online office hours for some preliminary research* and information support.
We can help you:
- Refine your topic
- Craft a search strategy
- Find sources and supporting evidence
- Evaluate sources
- Use information ethically, e.g., citation help
When: Every Tuesday 11am - 12pm and Thursday 4 - 5pm
EndNote Drop-In
Do you have a specific EndNote question or problem you need assistance with? Drop-in to the McBay Science Library, classroom 217, and meet with an expert to get information, troubleshooting, or training.
Note: Simultaneous alternate location at the Main Library. See Events.
EndNote Drop-In
Do you have a specific EndNote question or problem you need assistance with? Drop-in to the Main Library and meet with an expert to get information, troubleshooting, or training.
Note: Simultaneous alternate location at the McBay Science Library. See Events.
Online Office Hours
Need research help? Want to talk with a librarian? Drop-in to our online office hours for some preliminary research* and information support.
We can help you:
- Refine your topic
- Craft a search strategy
- Find sources and supporting evidence
- Evaluate sources
- Use information ethically, e.g., citation help
When: Every Tuesday 11am - 12pm and Thursday 4 - 5pm
Zine Making 101
It’s time to get crafty Dawgs! In this new series we’ll teach you how to create different zines. This month we'll focus on teaching you to fold a Victorian Puzzle Purse and in the spirit of spring we hope you'll use it to send a message to a mate, mentor, or memorable preson in your life. Hope you join us for some pro-craft-ination!
How to Make a Musical: A Concert of Golden Age Show Tunes
Join us for a concert celebrating the Golden Age of Broadway on Monday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium (Room 271) of the UGA Special Collections Building. The event will showcase the talents of UGA student performers with tunes from familiar titles like Brigadoon, Cabaret, Hair, and Kiss Me Kate. It will also highlight songs from lesser-known shows such as Dear World, It’s a Bird It’s a Plane It’s Superman, Lost in the Stars, and No Strings.
Laser Cutting Bookmark Making workshop
Join us at the UGA Libraries Makerspace on March 24th for a special laser cutter workshop led by Makerspace student assistant Eunice Stephen! Come chat about your favorite books with your undergraduate peers while designing your very own bookmark made using our laser cutter. No experience or registration required; just drop in between 3-4 PM at the UGA Libraries Makerspace, in room 381 of the McBay Science Library. See you there!
STEM Research Hacks for Graduate Students: Enhancing Research With Library & AI Tools
This workshop will introduce graduate students to essential lib
Intro to Text Analysis with Python
Join Ph.D. student and RCDM RA Brent Peterson for a zoom-only workshop on text analysis with Python. This session will provide a gentle introduction to working with textual data in Python with a focus on normalization and analysis. Participants should have the latest version of Python and Jupyter Notebooks installed.