Visitors are welcome at all UGA Libraries locations during daytime business hours. Access to the Main Library and the McBay Science Library after 6:00pm is open to those with a UGA or other College ID only.

UGA graduates may request borrowing privileges with the UGA Libraries. The UGA Libraries require verification of alumni status. UGA Alumni should contact the UGA Alumni Association to request that verification of their alumni status be sent to the UGA Libraries' User Services department at Once verified, alumni should contact the UGA Libraries' User Services department at or 706-542-3256 or come by the Circulation Office in the Main Library to request borrowing privileges. 

Loan Periods - The loan period is 28 days. The Leisure Collection circulates for 14 days. Alumni are allowed to borrow 5 books at a time. As soon as a book is returned, another may be borrowed. The borrower is responsible for all items checked out in his/her name until those items are discharged and cleared from the library account. Books may be recalled by other library patrons. The loan period of recalled items is shortened and the items cannot be renewed.

Renewals - 2 automatic renewals for most items.

Damaged/Lost Items - Books are marked Lost after being overdue for 60 days. A patron who loses an item is responsible for reimbursing the Libraries for the replacement cost. The cost of repair or replacement of damaged items will be assessed by library staff and billed to the borrower.

Payments - Payment may be made in person at the Main Library with a check or debit/credit card. Payments may also be made by mail with a check or money order paid to the order of UGA Libraries. Please contact User Services at 706-542-3256 or for information about online payments. Failure to pay outstanding fines or other obligations may result in the suspension of library privileges. 

Notices - Courtesy notices, overdue notices, damaged item/lost/replacement bills are sent by email. These notices are sent as a courtesy. Failure to receive a notice does not absolve the borrower from responsibility for payment of library fines/fees. Outstanding charges or other obligations may result in the suspension of library privileges.

Alumni library privileges do not entitle the borrower to library services such as Interlibrary Loan, Course Reserves, or other restricted Libraries collections. Due to licensing agreements and vendor restrictions, Alumni borrowers do not have remote access to GALILEO or other online library resources through the University of Georgia. Alumni who are also residents of Georgia should contact their local public library for GALILEO access information.

For assistance, please contact the User Services Department: 

Main Library
McBay Science Library