The UGA Libraries use the Library of Congress (LC) classification system, which organizes materials by subject. Library holdings are shelved by call number. Each call number is unique; call numbers serve as subject identifiers and as addresses for locations in the collections. Call numbers generally incorporate the subject classification, a code for the author, and year of publication.
Here's an example of how the call number might appear on the spine of a book and how it identifies the subject matter:
DNA Repair and Mutagenesis by Friedberg et al.
QH QH = Science(Q)/Natural History(H)
467 467 = Genetics
.F753 .F753 = Indicates a specific work by author(s)
19951995 = Year of Publication
Location codes are used to indicate the address or location of the item in relation to the rest of the collections. Some books have a location code at the beginning of the call number indicating a specific collection to which they belong. For example:
Sci Ref = found in the Science Library's Reference collection
Other location codes that may appear on library materials:
F or Folio = Oversized materials collection
R or Ref = Main Library's Reference collection
Juv = Juvenile works found in the Curriculum Materials Library
There are a few collections in the UGA Libraries that do not use the Library of Congress classification: