Fines and Fees

Books can be returned to any library location on the Athens campus except the Miller Learning Center and the Richard B. Russell Jr. Special Collections Libraries Building.

To view library account information, log in to My Account.

Borrowers are responsible for all items they check out of the libraries. If books are lost or damaged, please notify the library staff. See more about lost or damaged books.

The UGA Libraries no longer charge fines for most items. There are exceptions to this policy change.

Exceptions for items:

  • Damaged item fees (assessed by library depending on extent of damage)

Charges for lost/damaged items are still in place. If books are not returned and/or replacement/damage charges are not paid, the Libraries will restrict borrowers' library privileges. Restrictions may be placed on borrowers' university records to block access to course registration.

All patrons are subject to lost/damaged item charges.

Payments can be made in person at the Main Library's User Services department with check (payable to UGA Libraries) or credit/debit card. Please contact User Services for information on making an online payment. 

Restrictions will be removed when obligations to the Libraries are cleared.

Before leaving the University, borrowers should check their library accounts to ensure that all books have been returned and all fines/fees have been paid.

Contact Information:

  • UGA Libraries
  • User Services
  • Address: 320 South Jackson Street / Athens, GA / 30602
  • Phone: 706-542-3256
  • E-mail: